Oh Mylanta, it has been a while! I've had so many ideas for blogs in the past couple of months, but simply no time to sit and compose them! My life as a student here at AMDA has become busy to the exclusion of almost everything else. It is as though the fat has been trimmed from my lifestyle, so to speak, and I am now a lean, mean, musical theater machine. Or at least I am well on my way to becoming one. I was so exhausted and overworked during the first four weeks of the semester that I couldn't think of anything but flopping into bed at night when I finally got home, but I have thankfully adjusted to the fast pace, and this is becoming a new version of normal for me. I even finally have a moment to sit down and write this blog post.
Because it has been so long, I think I'll continue with a few half-baked ideas that would have become full posts if I had had the time, so you can get an idea of what's been on my mind during my absence from the blogosphere.
Item 1: Rest and Relaxation
The crucial turning point at the four-week mark this semester came out of a monumental shift in attitude. Up until then, I had the idea that I am entitled to a certain amount of free time every week, and if I didn't get it I would be upset about how busy my life was and take free time for myself in a variety of ways such as procrastinating or all-out not doing my homework. I was justified, I thought, for taking the free time I needed to keep my peace of mind. It certainly didn't help that I didn't give a rat's ass about the grand majority of work that I did in college.
Now, however, there is nothing I don't care about that I can cut from the agenda when the going gets rough, so I had no choice but to do it all, which did indeed make me very unhappy for several weeks until this breakthrough: I am not entitled to any free time. Of course I need rest and relaxation just as much as every other human being, but psychologically I cannot be always looking forward to and living for the next period of rest, be it an evening with my favorite TV shows, a night out on the town, or a weekend off for Thanksgiving. There may be no breaks one week and loads of them the next, but I need to be able to keep going without pouting about how little free time I have.
Item 2: New Mass Translations
As my Catholic readers know, this past Sunday began the use of the third edition of the Roman Missal, with translations closer to the original Latin. I know that there have been mixed reactions to this, but I am super super pumped! I am all for the beautifying of the language surrounding the Eucharist, the most beautiful thing in the whole world! And I love the idea of returning even closer to the roots of the Mass, the original Latin, which saints prayed for centuries.
Is coming!!!!!!!! There are less than three weeks left! AH! Thanksgiving, as usual, has been only a teasing, tantalizing taste of the family, food, and fun that is to come... and I am excruciatingly excited about it all! And meanwhile I get to revel in Christmastime in New York City. Who could ask for anything more?
Ok, there are more things, but I really have to get going. I have songs and dances to rehearse for midterms this week and next!