Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Elevator Adventure

It is a well known fact in Lothrop Hall that our elevators can get... well, a bit moody. Sometimes they'll take you where you want to go and other times... they just won't. It seems that every few weeks an elevator breaks or is out of service, making the remaining elevators run a bit slower due to the large number of people using them. There was a period of time when only ONE of the four elevators in the building was working.
Although I personally had never been stuck in an elevator, I had heard many many stories from floormates and other friends who had been stuck, missed classes, etc. I considered myself to be rather lucky in this respect... until today.
Today, as I approached the elevators with a personal pizza from the Pizza Hut in Schenley Cafe, I was not even remotely thinking about the possibility of getting stuck. I was thinking of my pizza, and how much I couldn't wait to get to my room so I could eat it. Unfortunately, Fate and the elevators had other plans.
I pushed the "up" button as usual and boarded the first elevator to open. I pushed the button for the 8th floor and the doors closed. I was alone. The smell of my pizza filled the space and I smiled at the though of my impending meal.
Beep... beep... beep... as the elevator passed floors 1, 2, and 3. Then a beep... and then a shudder. As soon as the car hit floor 4, it rumbled a few times and slid back down to the space between floors 3 and 4. The screen displaying the floor number, which just a few seconds ago had been displaying a cheery red 4 (half way there! gaaaaahhhhh!!!!) flat lined into an ominous red dash. The "8" button that had been lit so promisingly went dead and, despite my many attempts to revive it, stayed that way.
Not quite panicking yet, I pushed other buttons: ground floor, doors open, anything! No luck.
I felt myself moving gently, but in my distraction couldn't really tell if I was going up or down. I heard voices in the lobbies I passed and suppressed the urge to scream "HELP HELP I'M TRAPPED!!"
"Deep breaths. Calm yourself. You can figure this out." The inner dialogue continued as the elevator grated to a stop. Would the doors open this time??? The suspense!!!
Ding! Doors opened. I allow myself a brief sigh of relief as I scoot quickly out of the elevator. Now... where am I? What floor am I on? Ah... 14. The top floor of the building. An all-guys floor. Crap.
Praying that no one sees me wandering around this floor on which I know exactly no one, I crept to the stairwell. I pushed gently on the door for a few seconds before I realized that it was stuck shut. I pushed harder. Still no. Locked? Who locks a fire exit????? Thinking that perhaps this is one of those doors that sets off an alarm, I stopped pushing and backed away slowly. Now what??
I remembered that on my floor there's another stairwell down the hall from the elevators. If I can just make it without anyone seeing me! I tippy-toed down the hallway, hoping against hope that all those doors with boys' names on them would stay the way they were: closed.
Finally reaching the stairwell, I scurried down the 6 flights of steps to my floor and sauntered nonchalantly to my room. Success!! Yay!!!
And THEN I ate my pizza. It was delicious, by the way.

Sorry that was kind of anticlimactic. ... It was a big deal to me at the time. hahahaha


  1. Haha. I hate the tentativeness of the "elevator lurch," when something goes wrong, and all the mechanisms are trying to figure out what to do next.

    It's happened to me exactly twice.

  2. I think it sounds really fun. In fact, I think that's a great idea for the short short I have to write for creative writing class.

  3. unbelievable.
    but then again who are we talking about?
    yet another nightmare for a freshmen college student
