Friday, March 6, 2009


What's with the saying "icing on the cake?"
I know it means that something happened that was really good, but it didn't matter because the situation was already so delicious.
But seriously... cake is no good without icing. I mean, sure, it's still pretty tasty. But most cakes need a little something, even in all their glory.
This insinuates that "icing on the cake" is actually a necessary happening, at least in my opinion.
So now we need a new expression to explain that happy occasion that occurs when you're already pleased with what you've got.
I would suggest "the icing roses on the cake" because those are definitely superfluous, but they're also sometimes gross and completely unwelcome.
Thus, I have decided that the correct way to express this sentiment is "the sugar rose on the butter lamb."
Those of you who are not Polish need not try to understand.


  1. Hehe. An interesting observation there, Jane. I definitely agree that the icing roses on the cake can be gross and unwelcome, and I always try to avoid them if possible.

    I wonder what the "Italian heritage" equivalent of your saying would be...

  2. haha i don't think i know enough about italian culture to draw that parallel...

  3. So, we've finally decided to get into ethnic prejudi? (Do not look it up, the word ia original and may be used by all to further the intelligence and discussion of and by worldly people.)

    Perhaps the weather, month and season are beginning to affect you interpretation of the signs of life sprouting materially and spiritually in the realm of consciousness...

    Blad the Rad

  4. I was just talking about butter lambs this morning. I know exactly what you mean.
