Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Friends the Dumbbells

I think I am becoming mildly addicted to working out.
I never, ever thought this would happen to me; I was always a book reading, movie watching, other-sitting-still-activities doing kind of gal. I hated cross country and always felt bad when we drove past runners on the sidewalk. I simply endured gym classes so I could get to English or Chorus or some other activity that didn't require any movement.
But then I started's 2-Week Total Body Turnaround.
Allow me to explain. This 2 week program advertises the loss of 12 lb and 22 1/2 inches in just two weeks! Shocking! Every day, I go to the website and check the appropriate page that tells me the workout for the day. Every day is a surprise, which is good, because I get bored very easily, ESPECIALLY with workout programs. Each day holds 1/2 an hour of cardio and 1/2 an hour of strength training. It is a bit much, but I am somewhat of an all-or-nothing person, and I do get Sundays off.
So I started off last week with nothing but my mom's 2 lb. weights to work with. As she said, they were better than nothing, but... well... not by much. It ended up being a good thing, though, because I'm so out of shape, some of the exercises were still difficult for me. (ie: lunges. you'd think that these huge leg muscles would be good for something... apparently not)
I finally convinced mother dear to pick up some real 5 lb weights while she was out shopping for vacation, stating that of course they would be of good use for her, too. The jubilation that ensued upon the arrival of the dumbbells was my first tip that perhaps I was getting a little too into this program.
It wasn't until tonight, though, that I really understood. It was my first night using the dumbbells. My delight deepened with every set that I struggled through. I smiled as my arms shook, unaccustomed to the extra weight. During the last set, I tacked on 3 extra reps because I was enjoying the burning in my abs so much.
Yes, I love strength training. This could be the beginning of something big. :D


  1. don't forget about the warmth! remember marching band? yeah, no losing weight or you'll be cold!

  2. hahahaha i forgot about that. good point.

  3. hahaha. yeah right(jk). good luck with your odd liking of work-outs.
