Tuesday, September 1, 2009


sucks. It's been a day and a half now, and it's really getting on my nerves. Seriously, I need to devote 2 hours of my life every day to travel from my house to my classes and back again? Not fun. Not at all fun.
I waited for a trolley for over twenty minutes this morning!!!! What is that all about?? I was 10 minutes late to my first class this morning because of it. And what if I oversleep? There is no throw-on-some-clothes-and-walk-5-minutes option now. Nope. No room for mistakes.
Also, I am on campus with 3 1/2 hours of free time and nowhere to go chill out. I miss my little room. I have to sit in the computer lab and blog instead of watching old episodes of Scrubs. Boo.
Plus also, I forgot my Pitt ID today, so I had to shell out $4.60 to get here this morning, and tonight I'm gonna have to shell out $4.60 more to get home. That's almost $10 down the tubes!!! I could have bought a journal with that money! Or makeup! Or food! Or ANYTHING but bus and trolley fare!!! Ooo I'm so angry. >:(
And also, I don't have a meal plan anymore, so I'm going to have to pay real money for my dinner tonight. Argh!


  1. :( I'm sorry. As a fellow non-mealplanner, packing a lunch is often useful. Sandwiches, pasta, and salads are all cheap and pack well.

    I wish I could come up with a magic solution for transportation, but I can't think of anything at the moment. Maybe you could carpool with someone? Check around to see if anyone works in oakland and can give you a ride one way.

    I really hope things work out for you Jane.

  2. Bring a newspaper to read or homework to do on the T (which is much smoother than your Downtown-Oakland bus). There's 36 minutes each way right there for you to reclaim.

  3. I can imagine how much commuting sucks. I'm so sorry you have to do it. Hopefully this'll be the only year and something can be figured out for next year. <3
