Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best Class Ever!

Something unbelievable and wonderful has just happened, and I feel the need to share with everyone.
So, I was actually ON TIME to my history class today. I know that this, in itself, is unbelievable and wonderful, but this is just the beginning. At the start of class, our professor asked us a question hoping to get some discussion going. "Who can summarize the events of the student movement in Paris at such-and-such a time?" No one answered, which if you ask me is not so unusual for a college class, even an honors one like this one. The silence lengthened and he asked us again. "What happened? Anything?" Still no answer. "Nothing? Nothing happened? Niente?" (The class is "Italy, France and Spain in the 20th Century," so the prof sometimes says little phrases in Italian, French, Spanish, or some conglomeration of the three.) When we still didn't reply, he said "Well if you don't know, then I'll just pack up and go home." And then he DID!!! We all sat in the room for a few minutes after he had left, stunned into silence. We exchanged some incredulous looks and a few people justified not being able to do the reading by complaining about the heavy course load (which is legit, because we have an essay due soon that's a response to 3 books that we have to read on top of the readings for class; I certainly hadn't read it). And then we left, about 10 minutes after class had begun.
Is this not wonderful and glorious? Oh this day just could not get better. Ok, yes it could, but it's pretty darn amazing already. Praise God. :D


  1. Dear Janay,

    Being a practical person, it would seem that some of your tuition should be reimbursed. Alas, the lack of preparation by all is disconcerting, to say the least.

    Enjoy the day! Fear the Final Exam!

    Blad the Rad

  2. there is no final in class. the in-class notes and the readings are COMPLETELY POINTLESS. so i don't feel bad about being unprepared... :)

  3. I'm not going to lie; that is epic. Just about as good as when my physics exam didn't happen.
