Sunday, July 10, 2011

Un-broken Glass

So, I'm through my second week at AMDA!  This is kind of what my life feels like right now:

In case you didn't catch that, my life, which not even 10 months ago was at the lowest it has ever been, is coming together so beautifully that it's hard to believe that this is really my life now.  I live in New York City, I study at one of the best performing arts schools in the country, my ADHD is well under control, I have a loving and supportive family who I speak to almost every day, there are two Catholic churches within walking distance of my dorm, I have a job that I know I'm going to love (costumes!  woot!)... the ground work is set for unbelievable success here.  
Here is how good things are going:  On Friday, when classes were over, my reaction was "Awww no more class until Monday?"  :(  lol but seriously.  I love every single one of my classes, and the days and weeks are already flying by.  I know I'm still in the honeymoon phase with this school, and I know it's going to get much harder, but I also know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm supposed to do.  And wouldn't you know, it's exactly what I've always wanted to do, too!  :)

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