Friday, November 14, 2008

DDE Days 3, 4, and 5

Nothing noteworthy happened in the last three days, so I thought I would end with just a few closing notes on my experience.
Overall, the experiment was a huge success. I learned that eating alone is not a big deal, and on Friday I even at breakfast in Market Central alone! (tried the waffles for the first time. they were delish, but not as good as my dad's!) I also learned that it is not a big deal to have to walk a little bit to get food. There's really no reason for me to have food in my room because there are so many places to get food on campus that are quite close-by, really. Also, the food here is, for the most part, tasty. Tastier than the stuff I've been eating in my room, that's for sure. Also, it really doesn't make sense for me to spend money on groceries when I took out huge student loans to pay for my meal plan. Really, now.
That said, I gained a bit of weight this weekend; so that's where the Freshman 15 come from... To temper this, I will of course pay closer attention to what I am eating, not just the fact that it is Dining Dollar food. Also, I think I'm going to start "training" for the Turkey Trot. I know that's in less than two weeks, but if I run every day until then I should be a little bit ready by Thanksgiving day. Heck, I ran it cold last year! So that physical activity should also help with the whole Freshman 15 thing. I'm actually a little embarrassed to admit that I've started with them, because when I first got to college I lost weight. It was this lousy experiment! hahahaha I feel like the guy in Supersize Me. Except not.

1 comment:

  1. Jainelaine, such interesting noteworthy comments and descriptions that fly from your fingers. Your experiment appears to be successful to date. Traditions are usually very good and beneficial and heartwarming - which is why they are traditions! Thanks for sharing...
