Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sleepless Saga

So, last night I don't think I slept at all.  This was not a free choice; I was so tired when I got home at 8:30 last night that I was in bed by 9, thinking that if I went to bed early, I could wake up early and do my homework then.  But it was not to be.  I slept for maybe an hour before I awoke, uncomfortably hot and sweating.  My room used to be an attic, so the temperatures up here can get a little extreme.  I tossed and turned for a while, trying to fall back asleep in spite of the heat, but eventually I gave in and got up to throw open my windows the rest of the way.  This turned out to be a mistake, because apparently the 3-step trek across the room told my body that it was time to be awake, and try as I might, I could not convince it that it was, in fact, bedtime and that I was tired.  By now it was 11:30.
So, I got up and turned on a small light so that I could at least entertain myself with some books.  I read the last hundred pages or so of The Golden Compass, which was very interesting, but I still was not even remotely tired.  I thought, "Maybe I can get my homework done now, since I obviously won't be sleeping anytime soon."  I turned on my computer, etc., only to find that our internet had timed out.  I would have to reset the router, which is in my housemate's room, and I really did not want to creep in there while she was sleeping. Instead, I went downstairs, pulled out some ice cream, made some tea, and read the next hundred or so pages from How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk.  (very informative, by the way.  I highly recommend.)  All this reading, eating, and tea-making took me right up to about 5am, at which point I headed back upstairs with a mug of tea to sit in my windowsill with my feet on the roof, my special spot where I sometimes watch the sunset.  Whilst staring up at the moon and the one bright star I could see through the light pollution of our neighborhood, I found myself actually feeling a chill from the night air breezing around our roof, and that chill made me a little bit sleepy, in addition to the delicious tea I was sipping (about my 4th mug that night).  So, around 6am I finally found my way back to my little bed and succeeded, at last, at falling asleep.
My alarm went off at 7.  "Hell no," I thought, and turned it off.  Then I rolled over and went back to sleep until 10:30, thus making it impossible for me to go to my 10am or 11am classes or do any of my homework.  I did get up and get ready to catch the 12:34 bus into Oakland for my 1pm class, but I just missed it and so did not get into Oakland until the next bus arrived there at 1:30 or so.  My 2pm class didn't meet today because we had keyboard audits!  Fun fun.  I think I aced mine.  The rest of the day went normally: holy hour, confession, Mass, grocery shopping, dinner.  I haven't felt the effects of my sleeplessness at all.
It is now getting quite late, especially considering I have to be up and out by 7:45 tomorrow morning, but I still am not tired.  It is too damn hot in this house.  And I need to finish doing my laundry so I actually have clean clothes to wear to choir camp.  Che palle.  That is a vulgar way of saying "What a drag" in Italian.  Maybe I can sleep in the car tomorrow on the way there.  Or maybe it will be so cold at camp that I will actually be able to sleep there... What a delight that would be...

1 comment:

  1. i have a loft bed and it is several degrees hotter in my bed than it is in the rest of the room. it is already morbidly hot in here. disgusting. i wake up at 3am every morning without fail as well. i have been having sleep issues as well. i can't wait to see you on sunday, m'dear. <3 <3
