Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Haikus and Fingernails

I always do my nails while I'm watching TV. The more I watch TV, the better my nails look. I clip and file and shape and touch up the cuticles.
It's finals week, sooo... my nails look great!
You may also have noticed that I'm blogging a lot more frequently. This is also due to finals week. Frequent study breaks are required for my to stay concentrated on any one thing (namely, Statistics) for very long before I fall asleep. I really am getting to the end, I think. Maybe the last third or so?
Ok, it's bedtime. There's sure to be more soon.
Lately I've been really into haikus, so I'll close with this little tidbit:

my sleepiness grows
underpaid, overworked brain
it is finals week

hahaha. that was so fun. here's another:

i was up 'til 5
and now i just feel tired
coffee, nevermore

wow i really suck at this...
it really is time for bed


  1. I don't really know how to "do" my nails. You will have to show me. Yet another girly thing I have no idea how to do. :-p
