Wednesday, April 1, 2009

O How Things Have Changed...

I laugh when I look back and read over my first entry of this semester. I thought I had things sooo together. How wrong I was.
Not a week has gone by since then that I could call "normal" with a clear conscience. I am either going through a crisis or recovering from one. I guess that's what life really is, eh? How silly of me to think otherwise.
But I see now that it's better this way, too. I'd much rather be out there, experiencing the highs and lows of life than sticking to the comfortable, everyday schedule I'd set for myself. My Lord God knows how to plan a week much better than I do.
I can't wait to see where He takes me next. :)

1 comment:

  1. Is this an April Fools joke?

    Many people like boring - but it is through change that we grow the most. We can choose to either grow towards God or away from God. The choice is ours.

    May you all be blessed during finals and the crush of term papers that await you.

    Blad the Rad
