Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Thought This Was a Safe House!!!

For many people, the thought of being caught under the mistletoe is a pleasant one. They picture surprise first kisses, snuggly eskimo kisses, or a romantic goodnight kiss with the one they love.
For me, however, the thought of being caught under the mistletoe fill me with terror. I believe this fear originates from one Christmas Eve at my grandparents' house when I was probably about 7 years old. My grandma had hung mistletoe in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, and after one of my crazy boy cousins chased me around trying to kiss my cheek, I spent the rest of the day scootching through that doorway with my back against the wall so I would never officially be under the mistletoe.
For years, I have felt a certain amount of security that my mother would never do anything so silly as hang mistletoe in our doorways, so I was able to walk through our house freely without concern about sneak-attack kisses. But today, alas, what should I see hanging cheerfully above the doorway from the kitchen to the porch but a ball of mistletoe? I am safe no longer.
Merry Christmas? HA! Merry Avoid-a-Kiss-mas is more like it.
And by whom, you might ask, am I so afraid of being kissed? You never know, I say. You just never know.


  1. I, too, have similar views on the use of mistletoe. Who ever thought that was a good idea?
