Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Makeup Cheers Me Up :D

My day was going badly with much much stress. I had a linguistics final which I hadn't prepared for sufficiently and a final portfolio with three pieces to be finished. I can't even think about how incredibly anxious I was about my life earlier today; it makes me feel sick.
After that, I went to Panera and successfully connected my little netbook to the free wifi there for an hour or so of eating and social networking. I ate a whole sandwich even though I wasn't really hungry. I didn't eat at all until almost 3:00 today because I quite literally didn't have time, and that does things to me mentally. Then I went to Rue21 right next door and bought this gorgeous ring ($8) and a new wallet ($3) made of dark purple leather with ruffles. Also, it has a metal frame with a clasp, not a trifold with a snap like my old knockoff Prada one from NYC. So hopefully it'll take up less room. This expedition was shopping therapy at its best! I hope this doesn't become a habit though... it could get expensive. At Rue21 they tried to get me to buy perfume (which was on sale for $9.99) and I almost caved, but it smelled like cheap soap, so in the end it wasn't too hard to walk away. I'm no ninny. ;)
I came home around 6 with a headache and an upset stomach, fatigued and grumpy, so I sat down at my computer to watch something on abc.com. No Desperate Housewives (yes, I watch this show :p), and no Castle! (LOVE this show... is it on Tuesday nights?) So I watched an old episode and then switched over to NBC to catch up on the Office. (Is it me or are the episodes growing increasingly bland?) This is how I unwind: I watch online TV. I would have played the piano, which is also a great destresser(I think I just made up a word) for me, but my little sister has a recital tomorrow night, so she's been practicing for hours and thus blocking my access. Boo.
Anywho, what really truly just made my day was walking into my bedroom to get ready for sleeping and seeing a package from e.l.f. on my bed! My order of a couple weeks ago finally came! I was SO excited, I got right down to opening everything, trying out different lip colors and eyeshadows. I washed my face twice so I could reapply and try new shades. I had a total blast, and now with my new hair and my new makeup I feel so beeeuutiiifuuuul that all I can do is bounce around and giggle. Hmm, that sounds sarcastic, but I was serious. Hahahaha I've really been doing that for the past 20 minutes or so! This day has gone from being total poop to being totally delightful!