Thursday, September 11, 2008


I am currently trying to stay awake long enough to go to choir at 4:00. I want so very badly to flop onto my bed and sleep until tomorrow. My last few days have been rather sleepless.
Two nights ago two of my friends called me, one after another, and I stayed up until almost 2am talking to them!!! This is really really late for me; usually if I know that I have to wake up early, which I did, I'm at least in bed by 11 (whether I get to sleep that quickly is sometimes another issue). Then I had to wake up at 7:30, which is early for me (especially after getting to bed so late!), to go to my work study job. <3 Yes, I love work, but that doesn't make it much easier to pull myself out of bed after only 5 or so hours of sleep. Oh, just wait. It gets worse.
Last night I was thinking, "Yes, tonight I will make up for my lack of sleep. Tonight I will go to bed on time!" But unfortunately there was something else in my future. You see, I was finishing an Italian project for the next morning when I looked up at my calender and realized that the project wasn't the only thing that was due this morning; I had a paper to write for communications that I totally totally forgot about!!!! How does this happen to me??? At this point I was seriously longing to be in my bed and I knew that I wouldn't be able to write a paper in such a ridiculously sleepy state of mind, so I went to bed as soon as the Italian project was done, about 11:30, leaving not one word of my communications paper done.
SO... I woke myself up at 6 this morning (SIX!!!!!) to write the stinkin' thing. Clearly not my best work. And now I really need sleeeeeep....


  1. I'm the same way, though. haha. I keep staying up for stupid reasons only to be tired. But then again, I don't have a class until 9 am ever, so that's really nice.

  2. I, too, have recently found myself getting tired earlier and being able to wake up and do work earlier. It's almost as though I'm becoming a morning person, except I'm really not.

    I just happen to do work better when I'm rested, even partially.

  3. It's funny that you woke up at 6, since you had trouble in high school waking up at that time.
